Our values
It is important for Elneo to have values that carry each of us in a common and positive dynamic.
This is why a project has been carried out in collaboration with all the staff to define these values. They have been summarised in 4 sentences that we explain in more detail below.
Our strategic decisions are always validated to be in line with them.
We also do our best to set an example and to make them live in the company.
Let us give freedom and confidence to develop responsibility and autonomy.
This sentence is a common thread for the management of the company and its staff. It implies reducing all rules and controls to the strict minimum. Instead, we give everyone the freedom to manage their work as they wish.
Let's move together with enthusiasm and optimism.
Alone we go faster, together we go further. Collaboration and team spirit have always been part of the company's DNA.
It is therefore important for us to create a strong common dynamic around team spirit, enthusiasm and optimism.
Let's learn to understand each other's needs so that we can respect each other better.
Learning to put oneself in the place of the other allows you to go one step further in communication and mutual respect. At Elneo, we therefore want the needs of each person to be identified and welcomed in a non-judgemental and caring way.
Let us thrive in a pleasant working environment.
We all spend an important part of our lives at work. We therefore want to do everything possible to make these moments as pleasant as possible (activities, tools, office, etc). All this time spent at work also contributes to our development as a person. Our desire is therefore to help everyone to feel better and to find a better balance in their lives.